Automate 2023

3D Printing, Cloud Technology, Simulation and AI

3D Printing, Cloud Technology, Simulation and AI

Juan Luis Aparicio, CEO and Co-founder, Stealth Startup

Adopting robotic automation is traditionally an extremely expensive, highly complex, and time-consuming process that must be approached as a significant capital project. However, recent advances in 3D printing, cloud technology, simulation, and artificial intelligence unlock new opportunities for manufacturers and systems integrators alike. Rapid Robotics VP of Product Juan Aparicio has spent his career discovering new applications for these technologies in automation. Join this session, where Juan will share the recent innovations that are reducing the cost of deployments and accelerating timelines. Most importantly, Juan will explore how these technologies are changing robotic automation from a massive one-and-done capital project to an incremental and easily scalable process more akin to hiring new workers than it is to deploying heavy machinery. 


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