The Certified Robot Integrator program was established in 2012 in response to an industry need for a benchmark for evaluating technical and robot safety acumen, as well as overall integrator business excellence.
Robot integrators must have already achieved a high level of proficiency, experience and success in order to be considered for the certification program. It's certainly not for everyone. Certification involves a rigorous process that includes an on-site audit, practical assessment of key personnel, safety training, and other important criteria.
Whether You're a Robot Integrator or a Robot User, Certification Benefits Everyone
Certification ensures that robot integrators who have successfully completed the program possess the capabilities at a very high level to deliver robotic products, systems and services that are safe, reliable, and of good quality.
Once received, certification is valid for two years and will need to be renewed after expiration to keep a valid certification status.
Are You a Robot Integrator?
Become certified and be recognized in the industry as part of an elite group of accomplished, trustworthy professionals.
Become CertifiedClick Here
Looking to Hire Robot Integrators?
There's already so much at stake. Talk with an RIA Certified Robot Integrator first!
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Learn More About These Industry Specialists
Certified Robot Integrators have successfully completed a rigorous organization/infrastructure compliance program to ensure they are recognized for their capabilities and high level of experience and expertise.
Get to know the extraordinary companies who invested the time, commitment, and resources to meet the critical criteria developed by the A3 Robotics.
"At times it can be difficult to convey to a new customer the depth of experience and qualifications of our organization. Achieving the Robotics Industries Association certification demonstrates our expertise and allows our customers to make a more informed supplier selection decision based on the findings of an independent third party."
"The RIA Certified Robot Integrator designation has become an important confirmation of an organization's expertise in robotics. The rigorous audit that is required to attain it signifies the serious commitment that has been made towards achieving and maintaining high standards, which, in turn, helps clients make a more informed selection of providers."
"Boeing Research & Technology's Robotics Group is proud to be recognized as a Certified Robotic Systems Integrator. This certification is a significant milestone in demonstrating the full capabilities of our group as we develop and integrate robotic solutions for aircraft assembly."
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