Surgical Applications Leveraging Robotic Assistance in 2020

In 2020, health care providers are using surgical robots to perform robotic surgery that results in more accurate diagnoses, enhanced remote care, and less invasive procedures. Surgical robot manufacturers keep on releasing updated versions as artificial intelligence, machine vision, and other complementary technologies are developed. These new advancements are making an impressively significant impact on healthcare services around the globe.

How Surgical Robots are Assisting Surgeons

Today, some procedures are now being performed using robotic surgery alternatives. From the brain to the eye to the heart, surgical robots can be used throughout the body. In fact, sometimes surgeons don’t even have to be in the same room as the patient thanks to these advanced robots. Remote operations made possible by employing 5G networks let a surgeon from miles away operate with practically no delay. 

Brain Tumors: Even very minor differences in the characteristics of brain tumors can have diverse effects on patients. Untreated brain tumors result in all types of symptoms; one tumor may cause paralysis or loss of hearing while another may cause the inability to swallow or to keep one’s balance. Compact robotic microscopes offer surgeons a better view and the ability to accurately track the precise tools that are used, empowering them to target problematic tumorous tissue for removal. 

Eye Surgery: Correcting vision requires exceptionally precise instruments. Surgical robots designed for retinal surgeries allow surgeons to manipulate tools by utilizing a joystick with extreme accuracy. Robots also can be inserted by means of a tiny incision, resulting in less risk and faster recovery.

Heart Procedures: Surgeons are now relying on robotic surgeries for heart procedures for many reasons. Surgical robots can fix heart valves, remove tumors, and treat other cardiac defects. Robotic surgery is often far less invasive than traditional methods, and patients can experience fewer complications with quicker recovery time.

Robotic Surgery Will Continue to Improve Care

These examples are just a few ways surgical robots have improved patient care. Thanks to the advancements of machine vision and artificial intelligence, robotic surgery is on the rise. Improved human interfaces let surgeons manipulate tiny end effectors with a precision that the human hand could never attain on its own.

Investors, physicians, and market forecasters all agree on the potential for surgical robots, with many predicting substantial growth for the surgical robotics industry over the next decade. The adoption and expansion of 5G networks will make operations in countries with remote inhabitants and a shortage of surgeons less expensive and more readily available, as well.