Control IC's

Control IC's Image

A control integrated circuit (IC) is a set of circuits constructed on a single semiconductor, wafer, or chip. Here, the components are interconnected to perform a given function. ICs range in complexity from simple logic modules and amplifiers to complete microcomputers containing millions of elements.

Control ICs are motion processors on a semiconductor, wafer, or chip that control multiple devices.

Browse the control ICs below to find the best components for your controls:




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Now displaying: 1-8 of 8 products
ION/CME N-Series Ultra-compact Motion Controller Image

ION/CME N-Series Ultra-compact Motion Controller

Performance Motion Devices

ION/CME N-Series Digital Drives are compact, PCB-mountable intelligent motion control drives that feature full programmability, 1 KW output capacity, support for quadrature, sin/cos and BiSS-C encoders, and m

Magellan MC58000 Motion Control IC Image

Magellan MC58000 Motion Control IC

Performance Motion Devices

Magellan® Motion Control ICs provide high-performance motion control for medical, scientific, robotics, and automation applications. Available in 1, 2, 3, and 4-axis versions, Magellans provide position and velocity control for Brushless DC, step, and DC Brush motors.