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Should You Repair or Replace Your Electric Motor?
POSTED 07/14/2021
Has your electric motor stopped working properly? Is it time for an electric motor repair or a replacement? Knowing which option to choose can sometimes be a bit of a challenge and at Parvalux, we’re here to help you find the right solution when it comes to repairing or replacing electric motors. Repairing an existing motor is clearly much better for the planet than simply discarding it, however, replacement is sometimes the only option.
We are proud to be a leading British electric motor manufacturer and for more than 70 years we’ve built quality into every single one of our products. As an example, some of our geared motor solutions have performed tirelessly for more than 30 years before requiring repair, so it’s always worth contacting our service centre to see if we can extend the life of your Parvalux motor instead of completely replacing it. Parvalux adheres to the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment recycling regulations (WEEE) and we do everything we can to reduce waste caused by end-of-life electric motors.
Here are a few things to consider when deciding between electric motor repair or replacement:
Age of the motor
For more than 70 years, Parvalux electric motors have been designed with efficiency and durability in mind and our motors can often run for decades before showing any signs of damage or the need for electric motor repair. However, age can often be a contributing factor towards the severity of any damage, should you experience it. If your motor does seem to be showing signs it might be failing, we can advise on the repair or replacement solution that would be best for you.
Criticality of the motor
If an underperforming electric motor puts your operation at risk of imminent service or production interruption, electric motor replacement might be the most appropriate option and could save you time and money in the long run by minimising production line downtime.
Size of the motor
The size of a motor can influence the cost of a potential replacement but we will always try and offer an electric motor repair solution first. As a rule of thumb, if the cost of repair is less than the cost of replacement, then we would always go ahead with electric motor repair.
Extent of the damage
If the extent of the damage to your motor is not too significant, then we would always advise going for electric motor repair. It is a much more cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution, especially if only certain parts of the motor need repairing. We can also give advice about what might have caused the damage in the first place and help you provide a preventative solution that will ensure many more years of trouble-free operation.