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Electromate specializes in Robotic and Mechatronic Solutions for the Industrial Automation marketplace. We are respected as a premier source for High Performance Automation and Motion Control Components & Systems. Our Core Purpose is to help Manufacturers compete globally by building better machines using differentiated automation technology. We support all customers with extensive product selection, just-in-time delivery, dedicated customer service, and technical engineering support.

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Precision Magnetic Encoders - Now Available with CANopen Interface

POSTED 06/05/2017

IXARC EncodersPOSITAL’s IXARC high-precision magnetic absolute rotary encoders are now available with CANopen interfaces. This new interface option is in addition to the previously announced SSI, EtherNet/IP, EtherCat, Powerlink, Profbus DP and Profinet interfaces. Together, this range of interface choices makes the rugged and compact IXARC encoders one of the most versatile devices of its type on the market.

With improved magnetic field measurement sensors and advanced signal processing techniques, POSITAL has been able to offer devices with accuracy and dynamic response characteristics that rivaled traditional optical encoders in smaller, more robust, more cost-efficient packages. Single- and multi-turn models are available. For multi-turn versions, the rotation counter is self-powered, with no need for backup batteries. Since the original rollout, POSITAL has worked to enhance the performance of these devices and expand the range of available communication interfaces.


IXARC encoders with the CANopen communications interface are an excellent choice for applications in vehicles, mobile machinery, cranes, lifts and offshore equipment. The communication interface features the autobaud function, so these encoders can be directly connected to a CANopen network without the need to manually set transmission speeds. Diagnostic LEDs show device status. A variety of connection options are available, including cables of various lengths and radially or axially oriented M12 or M23 connectors. Housings with bus-in/bus-out connectors are available for applications where it is convenient to connect several devices in series (daisy chain).

Company Contact
Warren Osak
Tel: 877-737-8698