Machine Vision Standards 2018 Update

Machine Vision Standards 2018 UpdateMachine vision standards are an important part of the machine vision industry. Without them, users would have no guarantee of component interoperability and manufacturers would have a significantly harder time trying to develop products with the potential for widespread industry use.

While many in the industry may not think about technical standards, every year committees meet to assess the relevancy and adequacy of current standards to ensure timeliness. Many of these standards have a global impact on machine vision component consistency and quality.

2018 Updates to Existing Machine Vision Standards

A few of the major machine vision technical standards are receiving updates that integrators and OEMs need to have on their radar.

GigE Vision Updates

GigE Vision will migrate toward version 2.1 with a renewed focus on user-friendliness and efficiency. Technically speaking, multipart image transfer, to keep up with 3D imaging growth, will be an important new inclusion in the GigE Vision standard.

Camera Link HS Updates

The Camera Link HS vision standard is continuing to work on the release of version 1.2, as well as the Camera Link HS revision 2. The former will focus on improving the capabilities of the X protocol for higher bandwidth and higher speeds.

Camera Link Updates

Camera Link version 2.1 is determined to fix areas of ambiguity in version 2.0 by clarifying HDR/SDR standoff requirements and providing new high-bit depth definitions, among many other things. Version 2.1 will allow Camera Link on some FPGA implementations.

USB3 Vision Updates

Version 1.1 of the USB3 Vision standard will include an update to the cable specification, including a simplified cable qualification process. The newest USB3 Vision standard will also offer multistream support.

Each vision standard is attempting to address past problems to avoid future ones. While all vision standards are constantly evolving, the four listed above are positioned to undergo the biggest changes in the coming year.

Many system integrators and OEMs don’t give vision standards much thought, but they’re a vital support system for the growth of the industry. The latest machine vision standard updates will only further support and promote the interests of the machine vision industry.