A3 Motor & Motion College

Fundamentals of Electric Motor Design

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About the course

Developed for those involved in the design, application, testing or manufacturing of motors this course will provide a better understanding of electric motor selection, mechanics and performance.

Bradley FrustaglioAbout the Instructor

Brad Frustaglio is the Vice President of Engineering at Yeadon Energy Systems. He is a graduate of Michigan Technological University and a registered professional engineer. He has 15 years of experience with YES™ as an electric motor designer, electric motor tester, and software developer.

Mr. Frustaglio is a member of A3, and is a contributor to the Handbook of Small Electric Motors. He is the on-going software developer and software trainer of YES software, an electric motor design tool. He has design expertise in BLDC, PMSM, Single and Polyphase AC Induction, Stepper, Universal, PMDC motors, linear actuators and specialty electromagnetic devices. His design experience includes numerous applications from household appliances, industrial, automotive accessory, automotive traction, medical, aerospace and specialty high temperature motors and actuators.

All courses include take-home reference materials!

All courses include take-home reference materialsTrain a group of your employees for less than it would cost to send them out for training and do so following your own optimum schedule.

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Course Outline

  1. Magnetics
    1. Maxwell's Equations
    2. Ampere's Law
    3. Faraday's Law
    4. Gauss' Law for Magnetic Fields
  2. Magnetic Circuits
    1. Flux
    2. Magneto Motive Force (MMF)
    3. Reluctance
    4. Permeance
    5. Permeability
    6. Inductances
    7. Leakage
    8. Steel Selection
    9. Core Loss
    10. Magnetization Curves
    11. Magnet Characteristics and Selection
    12. Permanent Magnet Characteristics
    13. Magnet Arc Manufacture
    14. Magnet Load Characteristics
    15. Demagnetization
  3. Electromagnetic Forces
    1. Forces on Conductors
    2. Electromagnetic Torque
    3. Motor Action
    4. Energy Approach (courtesy of Earl Richards, PhD)
  4. Mechanics of Motors
    1. Ball Bearings
    2. ABEC Grades
    3. Sleeve Bearings
    4. Shafts and Shaft materials
    5. Shafts and Bearings
    6. Stator Cores
    7. Stack In Die Cores
    8. Welded Cores
    9. Bonded cores
    10. Cleated Cores
    11. Outer Rotor BLDC or Armature Cores
    12. Housings
    13. Motor Assembly
    14. Magnet Wire
    15. Insulation
    16. Stator and Coil Assemblies
    17. Windings
    18. Sinusoidal Winding Distribution
    19. Lap Windings and Concentric Windings
    20. Wave Windings
    21. Rotor Assemblies
    22. Thermal Protection Electrical Spacing
  5. Selecting the Proper Motor Type
    1. Motor Types
    2. Principle of Induction
    3. Polyphase Induction Motor
    4. NEMA Design Types
    5. Single Phase Induction Motors
    6. Split Phase Induction Motor
    7. Capacitor Start Induction Motor
    8. Permanent Split Capacitor (PSC) Motor
    9. Shaded Pole Motor
    10. Permanent Magnet DC Motor
    11. Brushless DC Motor
    12. Universal (Series Wound) Motor
    13. Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM)
    14. Summary
  6. Performance Equations
    1. PMDC Motors
      1. PMDC Design Analysis Procedure
      2. Predicting Air Gap Flux
      3. Magnet Permeances
      4. Armature Calculations
      5. Armature Magnetic Paths
      6. Armature Conductors and Resistance
      7. Armature Inertia Solving the Magnetic Circuit
      8. Armature Reaction and Brush Shift
      9. Commutation
      10. Output Equations
      11. Current Densities
      12. Motor Constants
    2. BLDC Design Example
      1. Specification
      2. Computer Simulated Results
      3. MMF Drops vs. Supplied MMF
    3. Induction Motors
      1. Pitch and Distribution Factors
      2. Calculation of Magnetizing Current
      3. Leakage Reactance
      4. Performance Calculations
      5. Calculations of Starting Conditions
    4. Universal (Series Wound) Motors
      1. Construction
      2. Armature Lamination Calculations
      3. Armature Conductors
      4. Armature Inertia
      5. Field (Stator) Calculations
      6. Field Conductors
      7. Magnetic Circuit Calculations
      8. Reactances
      9. Commutation
      10. Armature Reaction and Brush Shift
      11. Output Equations
    5. Switched Reluctance Design Example
      1. Customer Specifications
      2. Calculations
      3. Verifications with FEA or BEA

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Questions? Contact Dana Whalls or call 734-994-6088.