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Raptor Photonics Limited Logo

Component Supplier

Member Since 2011


Raptor Photonics Limited is a global leader and manufacturer of high-performance, industrial-grade and extremely rugged ultra low light digital and analog cameras. Raptor specializes in complete cameras and core engine solutions using EMCCD, CCD and SWIR sensor technology. The extreme low light capability of Raptor’s cameras makes them ideal for day/night surveillance, homeland security, aerospace, industrial and scientific markets. Raptor Photonics Limited is a registered ISO 9001:2015 company and is headquartered in Larne, Northern Ireland.

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Aerospace and Law Enforcement Aerospace , Law Enforcement , Military/Defense , and Security/Surveillance

Material Removal / Cutting / Deburring / Grinding / Non-Visible Inspection and Surveillance Material Removal / Cutting / Deburring / Grinding / Non-Visible Inspection and Surveillance

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Raptor Owl 640 Vis-SWIR with ruggedized A-thermalised 250mm F/4 lens

POSTED 04/23/2020

Raptor Photonics’ long range SWIR video showing wind turbines 13.5km away. The set-up is an OWL 640 Vis-SWIR camera with a rugged A-thermalized 250mm F/4 Catadioptric Vis-SWIR lens. The video was taken during daytime and the weather conditions are cloudy with sunny patches and haze. The camera is configured to default auto settings. For more details visit www.raptorphotonics.com