EVT Car Fuse Inspector for the color recognition of car fuses
POSTED 09/24/2019
The EVT Car Fuse Inspector can inspect fuses in the car for correct color assignment. The system is based on the EyeVision software and can be integrated directly online into the plant for the automatic fuse assembly.
“One-Button-Train” configuration with only one click
With the easy to use “One-Button-Train”, the definition of the fuse colors and their position can be trained with only one click. Only the position of the color has to be pre-configured. This can be carried out with a so called, “Golden Part”, which is a good part. On this good part all inspection windows learn automatically the color and generate a respective result protocol. The simplest result is that all fuses are in the correct position. It is also possible to generate a detailed protocol, which lists the position and type of error, e.g. wrong color, fuse not present, etc.
The system allows to inspect component parts in different positions and rotations, which means that it is not necessary to position the component parts in the exactly defined rotation.
I/Os for error signaling
There are digital I/Os (8 in- and 8 outputs in 24V technology) available for the implementation of the EVT Car Fuse Inspector. This allows to directly control a signal lamg to indecate an error. The connected monitor shows at the same time, which fuses are effected. Those fuses are marked red. The correct fuse assignment is shown in a reference image. The assembly worker has then the possibility to see the correct color for the incorrectly positioned fuse.
The system can be pre-configured for any number of fuses. Therefor different fuses or assembly variations are easily inspected. Those can either be transferred via a master computer or a code reader is connected to the system, which switches the inspection programs according to the code.
The adaption of the inspection is also carried out completely graphically with a few mouse clicks. You can ask EVT for the ideal hardware setup for the respective fuse assembly.
Many communications possibilities
There are different interfaces available for fully automated systems. Here are different options available, for example, the direct Profinet connection to a PLC, to which the inspection result is also delivered via Profinet. Of course also the I/O-based communication such as TCP/IP and UDP are available.
One camera and many resolution possibilities
The EVT Care Fuse Inspector is by default delivered with one camera, in resolutions such as 1, 2, 5 and 6 Megapixel. Depending on the application it is also possible to use a higher resolution or more than one camera.
Special illumination
The system is also equipped with a special illumination such as a dome light or a flat dome, based on the white LEDs. Teh illumination can be connected directly to the emSys controller, which offers the possibility to connect up to four illuminations.
The Car Fuse Inspector contains also detailed statistics. The user can therefore detect, which characteristics are more often faulty than others. With this exact error analysis, the user can intervene directly into the production process.