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Member Since 2017


PI is a leading manufacturer of precision motion control and automation systems, hexapod 6-axis parallel robotic stages, air bearing motion systems, Gantry Systems, 3D printing, laser machining, and piezoelectric nano-positioning solutions. Applications include photonics, semiconductor technology, medical engineering, assembly, inspection,

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Precision Motion and Automation Sub-Systems to Showcase at SPIE Photonics West 2019

POSTED 01/22/2019

PI’s booth at Photonics West 2018 PI will highlight its new gantries, automation sub-systems for laser material processing, and silicon photonics (SiP) alignment engines in addition to novel piezoceramic drive solutions and motion and control technologies at Photonics West in San Francisco, starting February 5, 2019.

San Francisco, CA – Descend the escalator and enter the exhibit hall to the world’s largest multidisciplinary photonics event. Taking just a few steps past the entrance, PI’s booth displays the latest state-of-the-art precision motion technologies. PI engineers are on-hand to answer questions and propose solutions for precision motion projects in industry, research, and science.

High-Speed Precision Automation:  Hybrid Gantries / Linear Motors / Air Bearings / Piezo Flexures 
PI’s new hybrid gantry has a unique, space saving guide design. The bridge axis is equipped with an air bearing guide that allows exact control of velocity as well as outstanding repeatability and straightness, while reducing particle emission over the work area considerably. 

New linear motor stages, specifically developed for industrial automation help photonics and laser processing engineers design better performing motion systems. New Piezo flexure-guided linear positioners offer excellent precision and responsiveness with step and settle typically in the millisecond range with billions of cycles of service life. Cost-effective and small footprint options are available for easy integration into applications such as image scanning, overlay, fast autofocus, interferometry, and super-resolution microscopy. Air bearings with linear motor drives provide another option when long travel vibration-free motion is required, highly constant velocity control is crucial, together with angular repeatability and geometric performance.

Miniaturization – Finger-Tip Sized Positioners
The ongoing miniaturization of instruments requires opto-mechanical alignment, positioning, and assembly on a smaller scale. Direct drive piezo motors that are only a few millimeters in size enable ultra-compact positioning stages. Finger-tip sized linear and rotary stages are standard, but much smaller custom designs are feasible.  Single to 6-axis designs are available. Resolutions from microns to nanometers are standard. 


High-Speed Photonics Alignment Engines
PI’s SiP alignment product line addresses the requirement of aligning multiple parallel optical paths with multiple interacting inputs and outputs, each requiring optimization. The automated alignment engines include 3 to 12-axis mechanisms, controllers with firmware based alignment algorithms, and the software tools to meet the high accuracy demands of different markets such as packing, planar testing, and inspection. Hexapod 6-axis parallel positioning systems are instrumental to fast SiP alignment due to their lower inertia, improved dynamics, smaller package size and higher stiffness, and programmable pivot point. 

Microscopy Imaging and Bio-Nanotechnology Solution Packages
Researchers make use of the sub-atomic resolution and extreme responsiveness of piezo stages and nanopositioners to create higher-quality images faster. PI provides a large variety of fast XYZ stages and microscope lens positioners for 3D imaging (Z-stack acquisition), deconvolution, and fast auto-focusing applications.  A line of ultra-stable long-travel microscope stages with self-locking piezo motors is also available. 

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Standard and Custom
PI has in-house engineered solutions with over 4 decades of experience working with customers to provide products that meet application demands, and can quickly modify existing product designs or provide a fully customized OEM part to fit the exact requirements of the application.

About PI
PI is a leading manufacturer of air bearing stages, piezoelectric solutions, precision motion control equipment, and hexapod parallel-kinematics for semiconductor applications, photonics, bio-nano-technology, and medical engineering. PI has been developing and manufacturing standard & custom precision products with piezoceramic and electromagnetic drives for 4 decades. The company has been ISO 9001 certified since 1994 and provides innovative, high-quality solutions for OEM and research. The PI group employs more than 1,300 people worldwide in 15 subsidiaries and R&D / engineering centers on 3 continents.