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Electromate specializes in Robotic and Mechatronic Solutions for the Industrial Automation marketplace. We are respected as a premier source for High Performance Automation and Motion Control Components & Systems. Our Core Purpose is to help Manufacturers compete globally by building better machines using differentiated automation technology. We support all customers with extensive product selection, just-in-time delivery, dedicated customer service, and technical engineering support.

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Motion Control Component Manufacturing Motion Control Component Manufacturing


New AxCent Servo Drives for Centralized Motion Control Systems

POSTED 09/05/2016

AxCent Servo DriveThe AxCent™ Servo Drive (Axes for Centralized control schemes) product platform from ADVANCED Motion Controls brings the proven and powerful performance expected of ADVANCED Motion Controls, with improvements to the design architecture that utilize our years of experience in the industry and the latest advancements in modern servo system design.


AxCent drives operate with brushless (3Φ) permanent magnet motors as well as brushed (1Φ) motors and inductive loads, and are a cost effective solution that provide high performance and simplicity.

Company Contact
Warren Osak
Tel: 877-378-0240