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Bosch Rexroth is a global automation leader, helping companies increase productivity, cut costs and improve product quality. Our linear motion products and cartesian robots are deployed around the world in pick-and-place, assembly, soldering, gluing, material handling, and other applications---even in demanding environments. EasyHandling Systems, in single or multi-axis cartesian systems save hours of engineering and implementation time; linear guides, ball screws and linear bushings provide many options for precise positioning. Easy-to-use, open, PC-based controls (with Rexroth's award-winning Open Core technology) simplify programming and speed implementation. Pallet-based assembly conveyors, VarioFlow modular chain conveyors, lean production systems and aluminum framing round out the offering.

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Bosch Rexroth Provides Tips for Combining Automation Technology with Lean Manufacturing

POSTED 01/12/2009

Despite claims to the contrary, automation technology can be used as a tool to help implement lean manufacturing solutions. When used correctly, it can help eliminate both error and waste in a lean operation.

Bosch Rexroth Provides Tips for Combining Automation Technology with Lean Manufacturing(Buchanan, MI – www.boschrexroth-us.com/lean) Bosch Rexroth is offering tips on how to use automation technology as a tool to help solve lean manufacturing challenges.

Developed with lean manufacturing expert Jamie Flinchbaugh, Rexroth’s “Lean Manufacturing and Automation Technology” puts to rest the myths about the roles of automation and lean and focuses more on when it makes sense to consider automation solutions to lean manufacturing problems.

Flinchbaugh, who is co-founder of the Lean Learning Center and co-author of the popular book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Lean, emphasizes that automation can actually eliminate error and waste, as well as reduce cycle time and streamline processes. He says automation offers significant potential for manufacturers implementing lean, as long as it is applied to the specific challenges that it is best suited to solve.

For example, when evaluating whether to implement automation in a lean strategy, consider these tips:

  • Use a Plan-Do-Check-Act process of developing and testing a hypothesis before investing time and money into an automation solution. Model the improvement the automation may achieve, test it, and then see if it can be used to prevent a given problem.
  • Look for automation design features to be inherently flexible. The more flexibility the features have, the better chance a lean operation has to improve. Test how effective a given technology is for a specific situation or challenge, and then pick the most flexible technology.
  • Be aware of the difference between using automation to solve a specific job or task problem, vs. using automation in the context to the whole manufacturing process. You can automate just one step and make the entire process more efficient.
  • Lean is about continuous improvement and reducing errors. Automation can be used in error proofing, for example, to warn when an error has occurred.

“Lean Manufacturing and Automation Technology” is episode number eight in Rexroth’s lean manufacturing podcast series, available for listening or free download from the company’s website at www.boschrexroth-us.com/leanpodcast. The podcast series is also available from the iTunes podcast library and other podcast directories on the web.


Developed by Bosch Rexroth’s Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies group, each eight- to ten-minute lean manufacturing podcast episode presents guest experts and information to help manufacturers and OEMs understand and apply lean principles and practices in their businesses.

Bosch Rexroth AG, part of the Bosch Group, achieved sales of approximately $7.4 billion (5.4 billion Euros) in 2007 with nearly 33,000 employees. Under the brand name of Rexroth the company offers all drive and control technologies, from mechanics, hydraulics and pneumatics to electronics and associated service. Over 500,000 customers worldwide utilize Rexroth’s unique technological know-how to implement their innovative and future-oriented systems and machine concepts. The global player, represented in over 80 countries, is an extensive supplier of components and systems for industrial and factory automation and mobile applications.