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PI (Physik Instrumente) LP Logo

Member Since 2017


PI is a leading manufacturer of precision motion control and automation systems, hexapod 6-axis parallel robotic stages, air bearing motion systems, Gantry Systems, 3D printing, laser machining, and piezoelectric nano-positioning solutions. Applications include photonics, semiconductor technology, medical engineering, assembly, inspection,

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Aerospace and Automotive Aerospace , Automotive , Military/Defense , Robotics , and Semiconductor


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Active Fiber Alignment & Micro Manufacturing with Hexapod 6DOF Motion Platform

POSTED 06/11/2019

Hexapod parallel kinematic 6DOF motion platforms and positioners are perfect tools for multi-axis active alignment and micro-manufacturing applications. Their compact size and versatility - similar to the human hand - brings great flexibility to any precision positioning and alignment process.