The world's most advanced aircraft assembly line
POSTED 08/29/2018
Offline programming of the drilling/riveting processes powered by FASTSUITE
Premium AEROTEC, one of the world's leading suppliers of aircraft structures, has made the production of single aisle sections even faster and more efficient with the successful introduction of networked automation solutions.
The trade journal AerospaceManufacturing covers this milestone in a detailed report ("New assembly line cleared for take-off?“).
Anyone who deals with the new performance data for the assembly line can easily understand the enthusiasm of Premium AEROTEC: The world’s most advanced aircraft assembly line is now located in Augsburg, quotes German trade magazine MaschinenMarkt site manager Ulrich Amersdorffer.
The system was installed by the robot manufacturer Kuka, who took over the task of system integrator for Premium AEROTEC. As a partner for robot offline programming software KUKA chose the FASTSUITE team of CENIT. The robot movement for the drilling/riveting process is programmed using the FASTSUITE solution.
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With the automation, Premium AEROTEC achieved very good results for productivity. In view of the industry trend the next expansion of the plant is already being planned. As Airbus states in the market report "Growing Horizons", demand is expected to grow enormously in the coming years, driven, among other things, by the passenger business in emerging markets.
Read more in CENIT Newsroom.