Schmalz Coanda Gripper for Secure Handling of Sensitive Workpieces
POSTED 07/29/2009
The newly developed vacuum gripper SCG (Schmalz Coanda Gripper) is used for automatic and semi-automatic handling of sensitive workpieces like foil, veneer, fibreglass fabric, blank circuit boards, porous and through-suction workpieces, thin glass and sensitive films.
To prevent the notorious “suck-in” effect and the deformation of and damage to sensitive workpieces, the SCG features a suction surface with multiple suction openings positioned closely together.
Product Features
- Compact, ready-to-connect gripping unit with integrated vacuum generation
- Suction surfaces are available with diameters of 40 mm and 60 mm
- Optional blow-off module for fast changeover of the suction surface
Energy and Cost Efficiency as Quality Feature
- Handling workpieces with the SCG requires only a small amount of compressed air, and keeps operating costs down.
- Resistance to dirt and resulting lack of required maintenance
- Optional blow-off function keeps unproductive downtime to a minimum through fast handling times and accurate, reproducible positioning of the workpieces