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Member Since 2004


IPR Robotics offers an extensive range of products with innovative systems and components for assembly and handling technology. We offer our customers ready-to-use standard products as well as project work where we are involved directly in the development and manufacturing technologies of the companies. A product portfolio which sets standards for selection and quality Our product range consists of - Grippers - Tool Changers - Compliance Wrists - Alignment Devices - Rotary Actuators -

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Building Products/Materials Building Products/Materials

Material Handling Material Handling

Linear Robot Rails in High Cycle Applications

POSTED 02/15/2013  | By: Roberta Zald, Mary Sweeny, IPR Robotics Communications

n FANUC Robotics Systems Integrator, Advatec, was looking for linear rail option that would endure in their customer’s application while meeting all the other surrounding requirements, an Advatec employee recommended IPR. When they met with IPR Advatec’s team was happy to find a customizable rail of aluminum construction that could handle the size of robot required for the application.
Linear Robot Rails in High Cycle Applications 
The aluminum construction of the IPR system makes the rail lighter for transport and set-up. In addition, the appearance of the rail is clean and sharp, while the walkable covers guard against dirt and debris. Of course, the quality had to be excellent. Doug Hodgens, Vice President of Advatec, explains how pleased they were with their first experience with IPR. “Upon first installation we discovered that the IPR rail is easy to set-up and align, minimizing the time required for that step. In fact, the set-up didn’t take much time at all,” he says, “Throughout the process, IPR has been very responsive to our needs and good to work with.”
So far, Advatec has used IPR rails in HVAC/Materials Handling and Plastics/Materials Handling applications. “The reliability has been great,” Hodgens says, “Our customer is purchasing another IPR rail for installation soon. We couldn’t be happier!”

Located in Wichita, KS, Advatec is a FANUC Robotics Systems Integrator specializing in material handling, machine load/unload, and palletizing.
IPR Robotics, LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of IPR – Intelligente Peripherien fuer Roboter GmbH, located in Schwaigern, Germany, which has been in business since 1989. IPR's global product offering includes a broad range of standard end-of-arm components including grippers, compliance wrists, alignment devices, tool changers, load limiters, force/torque sensors and linear rails. IPR Robotics, LLC has been in the US since 2003 and excels at combining these components into complete EOAT solutions to meet the needs of each application.
IPR provides the Hands and Feet of robots!