Improve Customer Support And Increase ROI With Bezlio Self-Service Portals
POSTED 07/05/2018 | By: Sean Balogh
Empowering your customers to direct their experience will have a positive effect on their perception of your services. Better visibility, better access, and more relevant data ensure clients are satisfied with every step of the customer journey. Bezlio delivers a superior tie in with existing Epicor ERP systems to empower customers, reduce resource costs, and improve ROI. Read on for more info on our strategic partner, Bezlio.
Self Service Portals
Among the many features Bezlio self-service portals provide, order visibility, shipping, and order detail tools rank among the most critical in the eyes of the customer. Here’s how Bezlio addresses these needs to deliver a superior service portal and customer experience.
Open Order Access
By allowing customers to view their full queue of open orders that are ready for processing they can address those that are more time sensitive, make better forecasting and drill-down into further details on an as-needed basis.
Order Tracking
A simple and self-explanatory approach to giving customers further visibility into the ordering process, your customers gain better forecasting and turnaround time on orders. This empowers them to deliver on their obligations with better accuracy. As a result, their trust in your dependability increases.
Order History
Providing full visibility into order history allows customers to recreate previous purchases with ease, download and print the necessary details as needed, and maintain cleaner data regarding invoicing, supply on-hand, and spend over given time periods.
Shipment Tracking
Shipping visibility gives customers access to the full field of details regarding every order, including invoice numbers, dates, quantities, order numbers, PO numbers, part numbers, and much more. Good for both in-process and historical data, shipping visibility is one component of Bezlio’s services everyone agrees is essential.
Parts And Inventory Lookup
General and custom parts look-up facilitates real-time inventory visibility to ensure your customers can get the parts and products they need to be delivered on-time and as expected.
Invoice Archives
Convenience invoice sorting and search allows customers to find their invoices by order number and to share essential invoice details with the click of a mouse button.
Autonomous Order Entry
Going one step further than reviewing important order and inventory details, the ability to place orders on their own, without the tedious set-up associated with complicated e-commerce platforms.
About Bezlio
Bezlio is developed and supported by SaberLogic, a US-based company with 15 years of experience in customizing and optimizing ERP (enterprise resource management) systems and manipulating data. Specializing in mobile, cloud-based integrations, Bezlio offers many supplemental tool integrations for existing Epicor systems, such as mobile crystal reports, Amazon Seller integration, Salesforce + ERP, tableau write-back, and the recently added self-service customer portals.
About Encompass Solutions
Encompass Solutions, Inc. is an ERP consulting firm, an Epicor Platinum Partner, and NetSuite Solution Provider that offers professional services in business consulting, project management, IT support, and software implementation. Whether undertaking full-scale implementation, integration, and renovation of existing systems or addressing the emerging challenges in corporate and operational growth, Encompass provides a specialized approach to every client’s needs. As experts in identifying customer requirements and addressing them with the right solutions, we ensure our clients are equipped to match the pace of Industry.