VAIA Technologies LLC Product
CodeSure performs Optical Character Verification (OCV) on ink-jet printed dot matrix codes typically printed on cans, bottles, or other food containers. The system ensures that the printed characters are present, legible, and correct. The character grading algorithm of the software is impartial and accurate. For food and beverage packagers, CodeSure is excellent insurance to verify that the product goes to market with the correct label and a legible identification code.
CodeSure systems can be packaged with other VAIA products like Circumspect or SureLabel to verify that the label matches the print. There are several secondary benefits to production as well. CodeSure will inforce correct setup of the printers to company standard. The system can automatically stop the line or divert the product if the failure rate becomes too high which prevents more costly rework. This can be especially useful in the event of printer malfunction or drifts in the production process.
CodeSure guards against:
- Potential recalls due to mislabeling
- Products with illegible expiration codes getting to market
- Large quantities of product with faulty or incorrect codes from being processed
- Verify accuracy of labels with oriented or unoriented containers