Omron Automation manufactures intelligent automation product lines including: industrial robots, mobile robots, and other flexible automation equipment, machine vision and systems, plus software. Omron provides cost-effective robotics systems and services to high-growth markets including Packaged Goods, Life Sciences, Electronics and Semiconductor; as well as traditional industrial markets including machine tool automation and automotive components.
Smart Series DOAL (Diffuse On-Axis Light) illuminators provide diffuse, uniform illumination for flat specular surfaces. With the coaxial lighting approach, specular surfaces perpendicular to the camera appear bright, while surfaces surfaces which are marked or embossed absorb light and appear dark. By providing greater uniformity than conventional sources, DOALs increase machine vision accuracy and repeatability.
Available in 3 colors and Infrared
4 sizes are available
Smart Series Technology: Built-in controller with continuous and high output strobe modes
Provides superior uniformity throughout the illumination envelope
Compact, light weight package can be used on moving camera modules
Passively cooled models are available (DOAL 25 & DOAL 50)
Learn more about the NERLITE Smart Series DOAL.