Applied Motion Products Product
0.9 degree step motors are advantageous when microstepping drives are not available. 0.9 degree step motors have twice the step resolution (400 steps/rev) than 1.8 degree step motors (200 steps/rev), and because of this they run inherently smoother when driven with full or half step drives.
Most microstepping drives with 1/10th step resolution or better will provide equal or better smoothness benefits with a 1.8 degree step motor. However in some applications microstepping is not an option, such as when a basic full or half step drive is used, and for these applications a good way to gain smoothness is to use a 0.9 degree motor.
The 0.9 degree step motor offering from Applied Motion includes NEMA frame sizes 14, 17 and 23:
Part Number | Frame Size | Holding Torque (oz-in) |
5014-897 | NEMA 14 | 9.91 |
HT17-221 | NEMA 17 | 31.15 |
HT17-222 | NEMA 17 | 12.75 |
HT23-559 | NEMA 23 | 155.77 |
HT23-560 | NEMA 23 | 67.97 |