Alysium-Tech GmbH Product

The benefits already offered by our A+ USB3 Family, have also been adapted to the special world of industrial machine vision

Alysium-Tech offers GigE assemblies for Industrial Applications, which have superior capabilties and quality levels than products made for Consumer Electronics applications. We offer a market leading number of screw locking terminations for both horizontal and vertical screw locking systems, and M12 (and other circular connectors). Our S-STP#26 HiFlex cable can easily met application lengths to >50M. New product releases of "Extreme" rated high flex materials, allow even the most demanding of High Flex requirements to be fulfilled.
Part no of all existing lengths and stock level
(available on stock, other lenghts possible)
Other Products from Alysium-Tech GmbH
A+ Cameralink HS Active Optical Assemblies
CameraLink HS™ is a high bandwidth Machine Vision standard, supported by JIIA, EMVA and the AIA. With Alysium's focus on