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Machine Vision Sales in North America Declined 2% in First Quarter

POSTED 06/19/2012

n Arbor, Michigan)  Machine vision sales in North America fell two percent compared to the first quarter of 2011, according to new statistics from AIA, the industry’s trade group.
The decline resulted primarily from sales of complete vision systems, which account for the largest sales volumes in the North American market.  However, sales of machine vision components gained two percent, led by strong growth in vision software (+26%), lighting products (+11%) and imaging boards (+7%).  Smart camera sales rose four percent while optics sales were up one percent in the first quarter.
 “We are not surprised by the slight overall decline in growth,” said AIA President Jeff Burnstein.  “First quarter 2011 sales were exceptionally robust, occurring during the height of the market recovery.  Though the market has cooled down a bit, the long term growth trend remains strong.”

Paul Kellett, AIA’s Director of Market Analysis, added “Because of the strength of sales in the first half of 2011, we do not expect a dramatic increase in year-over-year growth in the near term.”  Industry executives appear to agree with this assessment, with a majority (57%) expecting flat sales in the next two quarters of 2012, 30% expecting a relative decline in sales, and14% anticipating an increase for the same time period.
AIA’s Quarterly Machine Vision Sales Tracking Report is available free of charge to all AIA members participating in AIA’s sales data program.  In addition to its sales tracking report, AIA recently prepared a comprehensive Machine Vision Camera Market Study available at a discounted rate to AIA members.  AIA also prepares market opportunity studies, which it makes available to all AIA members free of charge on its website, Vision Online.

About AIA
Founded in 1984 to advance the understanding and use of imaging and vision technologies and to drive global expansion and growth through education and promotion, AIA now represents over 320 vision suppliers, system integrators, users, researchers, and consulting firms from 32 countries. In addition to The Vision Show, AIA is known for vision and imaging standards such as GigE Vision®, Camera Link®, Camera Link HS™ and USB3 Vision™; the Automate Show (January 21-24, 2013 in Chicago); the annual AIA Business Conference (February 20-22, 2013); the annual AIA Networking Reception at VISION in Stuttgart, Germany (November 7, 2012); the Certified Vision Professional program; AIA Certified System Integrator company program; and Vision Online (www.visiononline.org), the world’s leading online resource for vision information.

For more information on AIA, visit www.visiononline.org or contact AIA Headquarters at (734) 994-6088.

Kathleen Straight
(734) 994-6088