Siemens Industry, Inc. - Ruggedcom 28 Gb Switch Designed for Harsh Environments
POSTED 04/11/2013
Siemens Industry Automation Division introduces the new Ruggedcom RSG2488 compact rack switch, extending its RuggedCom portfolio of robust network components designed for electric power, transportation and defense applications. This high density layer 2 switch supports up to 28 copper or fiber ports in a compact 1U chassis. The new Ruggedcom RSG2488 switch is the first product under the Siemens Ruggedcom brand. Alongside the Scalance product family, the Ruggedcom product family allows the Siemens Industry Automation Division to offer the world’s strongest portfolio of Ethernet solutions for mission-critical applications in very harsh environments.
The Ruggedcom RSG2488 features a modular vertical loading design allowing 10/100/1000TX, 100FX or 1000SX ports to be quickly added or exchanged in the field. The modular structure and hot swappable power supply design simplifies maintenance and allows fast, low-cost re-configuration as requirements change.
Designed to operate from -40C to +85C and with high immunity to EMI per IEEE1613 and IEC61850-3, the Ruggedcom RSG2488 is ideally suited for use in almost any harsh environment. Conformal coating is available. The extruded aluminum enclosure and fanless design ensure simple deployment and low cost operation. A new version of the proven Rugged Operating System (ROS), ROS 4.0, will be available with the RSG2488. While it leverages the advanced technology of the RSG2488, ROS 4.0 has the same user interface as the previous versions of ROS, thereby minimizing operator ramp-up time and expense.
By acquiring the Canadian corporation RuggedCom Inc. in March 2012, Siemens has augmented its portfolio of network components for Industrial Ethernet networks to support mission-critical applications in the harshest environments.. The new Siemens Ruggedcom branding on the RSG2488 does not affect the product functionality in any way, and all technical specifications and proven features of the RuggedCom products -- and the 5-year product warranty -- remain unchanged.