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Neal Petersen Biography

POSTED 07/18/2011

Neal PetersenAn award winning author, professional adventurer and global investor, Neal Petersen shares real life examples of how he overcame insurmountable barriers by always turning perceived disadvantages into advantages—then into opportunities. In his captivating and empowering “No Barriers – Only Solutions” keynote, Neal demonstrates how success is realized—through innovation, balancing risk against return and being flexible enough to adapt to shifting winds. Neal Petersen has challenged thousands to prevail against their own formidable barriers and setbacks and to turn them into treasures.

Neal achieved his dream to race in the Around Alone yacht race — 27,000 miles around the world, nine months at sea, alone, in a yacht of his own design and construction.

Neal lays out the importance of a clearly communicated vision and direction, followed by detailed
planning, preparation, passion and execution.

Take home values:

  • Neal carries a treasure chest on stage to empower others to turn your baggage into treasures.
  • Feel like a solo sailor? Understand the importance of a solid support structure.
  • Innovate — how to capitalize on ever changing winds storms.
  • Adapt to wind shifts and stormy seas by knowing when to alter course.
  • Leverage economic challenges to your advantage—keep pumping, choose a winning course and
  • navigate to your advantage.
  • Change in attitude - refresh your thinking — There are No Barriers ~ Only Solutions!
  • Remove personal barriers – get rid of the chips on your shoulder.
  • Dreams are the seeds of success, hope is the fuel.
  • Elements of success include determination, perseverance and hard work.
  • With hope and planning, a dream can become a reality.
  • The application of knowledge is POWER.
  • Ego can destroy, but passion can build.
  • Life is about choice— with choice are consequences.

Neal’s keynotes are infused with humor, valuable life lessons, passion and wisdom. Audiences are spellbound, waiting to hear “what happens next,” and leave with a renewed attitude that transforms their lives and inspires better ways to tackle difficult professional and personal challenges.

A No Barriers—Only Solutions keynote typically is one hour but, can be longer and can include Q&A.   Neal is an award-winning author and offers book-signings after his presentation. He is pleasantly approachable and sociable, and will participate in post keynote scheduled activities.