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Fast Delivery for the Fast Feet of the World's Largest Animatronic Human Figure

POSTED 11/26/2007

Fast Delivery for the Fast Feet of the World's Largest Animatronic Human FigureBristol, UK and Fort Smith AR, November 20, 2007 --- The real-life model of the towering 26 foot high animatronic figure 'Big JT' - NFL Miami Dolphins star player Jason Taylor - has very fast feet. When physical effects company Artem was commissioned to create the figure, to promote the historic NFL game in the UK (the first time a competitive NFL game has been played outside of the USA), they had just six weeks to design and build. Fast delivery and simple system integration were essential, and Artem chose Baldor's MicroFlex AC drives and BSM servo motors to power Big JT's feet, because of the short lead delivery times and Baldor's previous support on motion control projects.