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Electric Motor Handbook

POSTED 09/27/2006

Electric Motor HandbookElectric Motor Handbook

H. Wayne Beaty

James L. Kirtley

From portable CD drivers to heavy industry behemoths--all the essential facts about electric motors in one comprehensive reference.

It thoroughly covers updated traction applications, the latest on solid-state motor-drive controllers, electrical and mechanical parameters, specifications, shapes, performance, protection, and every size of motor made--from those used in portable CDs to the motors required by heavy industry.

Electric Motors--J. Kirtley.
Terminoloy and Definitions--N. Ghai.
Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Forces and Loss Mechanisms--J. Kirtley.
Induction Motors--J. Kirtley and N. Ghai.
Synchronous Motors--J. Kirtley and N. Ghai.
Permanent Magnet-Synchronous (Brushless) Motors--J. Kirtley.
Direct Current Motors--J. Kirtley and N. Ghai.
Other Types of Electric Motors and Related Apparatus--J. Kirtley.
Motor Noise and Product Sound--R. Lyon.
Servomechanical Power-Electronic Motor Drives--S. Leeb.

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