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DC Servo Motor Sizing Made Easy - A Practical 1/2 Day Course

POSTED 05/14/2012

Electromate is hosting a 'DC Servo Motor Sizing Made Easy' Maxon Seminar in Montreal and Toronto on June 12 & 13.

DC Servo Motor Sizing Made EasyDr. Urs Kafader is the author of “The selection of high-precision microdrives” Textbook

[Textbook shown (a $65 US value) is included with your Seminar attendance]

Hilton Garden Inn Dorval Aeroport
St. Laurent, PQ
Tuesday June 12, 2012

Radisson Plaza Mississauga- Toronto Airport
Mississauga, ON
Wednesday June 13, 2012

9:00 am –2:00 pm    Lunch included

$89 CDN/person + HST* (*Ontario Only; Quebec registrants will be charged 5%  GST only) if pre-registered by midnight May 29th; after May 30th the cost is $109 CDN/person + applicable taxes.

To Register:
Visit  http://www.electromate.com/news/?c=calendar  or call us at 877-737-8698 with your credit card information
This half-day seminar provides the practical information you need to successfully select the right DC motor – be it brushed or brushless servo – for your application.  You’ll learn about the interpretation of motor data and how you can use this information for motor sizing.  Whether you need high speed and dynamics or just high torque, this seminar will teach you to size a drive with just the right power reserves avoiding costly oversized motors.


What You’ll Receive:

Textbook:  "The selection of high-precision microdrives" (a $65 US value) -- A complete, easy-to-read reference guide for motor and drive selection OR you'll receive an $89 Can. voucher to be used towards your next Maxon order (voucher expires Dec. 31, 2012)

MSP Motor Sizing Software and first step exercises

E-Learning software tutorial on USB Stick

maxon catalog

What You’ll Learn:

Basics of DC motor data.  Learn how to interpret motor data sheets and use the speed/torque information for optimum motor sizing

Systematic drive selection in the context of your application specific requirements and boundary conditions. This includes optimum power management, control loops, accuracy and ambient conditions

Basics of gearhead data and their impact on motor selection


Selection criteria for DC motors.  Topics include the characteristics of different commutation types for brushed and brushless DC motors and when to use them

maxon selection program.  Find out how this software-tool can help you select a servo motor

Application examples.  Learn how to extract the key parameters for drive selection from your application: The examples include continuous operation as well as dynamic operation cycles

Motion Control: The main features and application possibilities of maxon EPOS controllers

09:00 – 09:45          
Motor selection: What is it all about?
–        The context of motor selection
–        Application and situation analysis
–        Extracting key load parameters

09:45 – 10:10          
Properties of brushed and brushless DC motors:
–        Design variants
–        Brush systems
–        Electronic commutation systems

10:10 – 10:20          
Coffee break

10:20 – 10:50          
Motor data sheets:
–        Characteristic motor lines
–        Operation ranges

10:50 – 11:30          
Motor selection examples:
–        Continuous operation

11:30 – 11:40          
Coffee break

11:40 – 12:30          
Motor selection examples:
–        Cyclic operation
–        maxon selection program demonstration

12:30 – 13:00          
Lunch break

13:00 – 14:00          
EPOS Motion Control Systems:
–        System architecture
–        Introduction EPOS family
–        Demonstrations, Examples