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IDS Imaging Development Systems, Inc. Logo

Component Supplier

Member Since 2007


The IDS product lines include 2D and 3D cameras with different interfaces and capabilities, as well as a wide selection of image sensors for a wide variety of applications. Additionally, the company develops custom cameras and provides the appropriate software.

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More than 100 U3V cameras, optionally supported by IDS peak

POSTED 09/09/2019

IDS Imaging Development Systems is expanding its USB3 Vision camera range by more than 100 models in the coming weeks. The company integrates the entire range of Sony sensors which are already available with GigE Vision interface. The USB3 Vision cameras will be available both as CP and SE family variants. For the latter, customers can choose between housing or board level versions with different lens holder options, which makes them suitable for a wide range of applications. Please visit the IDS webstore to see all available cameras at a glance.

The new cameras can be used with IDS peak, a brand-new, hardware-independent SDK. IDS peak is entirely based on the standards of EMVA (GenICam) and AIA (GigE Vision, USB3 Vision) and simplifies handling and programming of Vision cameras. Thanks to numerous source code examples it is possible to start programming right away. The advantages of IDS peak include, for example, the "It's so easy!" programming interface developed by IDS, which eliminates the need to work directly with GenTL and GenAPI. Users can download it for free via the IDS website.

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