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Robotmaster (Hypertherm Inc.) Logo

Member Since 2007


Robotmaster, offline programming software for robots provides quick and easy programming tools for multiple applications, saving time and money while maximizing return on investment.

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Aerospace and Automotive Aerospace , Automotive , Automotive , Consumer Goods/Appliances , Furniture , Metals , Military/Defense , Off Road/Heavy Equipment , Robotics , Rubber , Textile/Apparel , and Wood Products/Lumber

Arc Welding , Assembly , and Automated Coating Arc Welding , Assembly , Automated Coating , Dispensing , Material Handling , Material Removal / Cutting / Deburring / Grinding / Non-Visible Inspection , Simulation/3D Modeling , and Spot Welding

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Robotmaster at Automatica 2014

POSTED 06/24/2014

Robotmaster featured at Automatica, the world's largest robotics trade show from June 3 to 6 2014 in Munich (Germany).