Loop Technology Appointed as Robotmaster Reseller
POSTED 07/23/2014
4D Engineering Ltd, the UK and Ireland Distributor for Robotmaster, are pleased to announce the appointment of Loop Technology Ltd based in Dorchester, England, as an authorised reseller for the Robotmaster range of CAD/CAM software, for Offline Programming of Robots. 4D were highly impressed with Loop Technology's advanced system knowledge and capability with Robotic Projects, and ability to offer Robotmaster as an advanced OLP system to their existing robot integration capability.
Loop Technology have considerable capability in robotic integration areas of machine vision, industrial robotics and motion control systems with additional experience in composite material robotic handling. Alun Reece, Technical Director at Loop, was looking for an offline robotic programming system for composite materials, specifically for trimming, drilling and surface machining which is capable of directly importing CAD models and using advanced software to programme the trajectory using either a 6 axis robot, or when additional rotary and rail axes are also added.
The problems Loop had identified with other systems, was their inability to properly highlight and modify robot movements to overcome common issues such as singularity, reach, joint limits etc., without having to go back to the original CAM toolpath/trajectory and be forced to modify it. Because Robotmaster uses advanced inverse kinematics of the actual robot cell, it can overcome all these issues very easily without the normal problems associated with other OLP robotic programming systems.
To discuss your robot integration project, either with composites, or any other robotic application, please contact Loop via their website at:
About Robotmaster
Robotmaster seamlessly integrates CAD/CAM based robot programming, simulation and program generation. Common robot programming challenges typically require intricate user intervention or costly manual editing for producing error free programs. Robotmaster provides innovative new tools to effortlessly optimize robot programs producing error-free robot paths avoiding singularity zones and collisions, working around joint and reach limitations and optimizing tool orientations along the entire trajectory. Robotmaster is ideally suited to program robots for such tasks as trimming, 3D machining, de-burring, polishing, welding, dispensing, grinding and painting, and supports most industrial robot models.
About Jabez Technologies
Robotmaster is a product of Jabez Technologies, specialized in dedicated software solutions for industrial automation, manufacturing and robotics since 1996. For more information please visit our web pageor email us.