New Research Project from Association for Advancing Automation, Intel, The Open Group Seeks to Improve Industry 4.0, IIOT
POSTED 04/19/2022
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN – April 19, 2022. The Association for Advancing Automation (A3), Intel Corporation, and The Open Group launched the Industry Infrastructure Project, a research endeavor to identify critical needs for smart factories.
The Infrastructure Project is an invitation-only panel that will explore a variety of infrastructure-related topics in manufacturing. Volunteers will be selected from those working for manufacturers, technology providers, industrial digital service companies or others working in the digital infrastructure space. Applications are being accepted now.
“Digital infrastructure lays the highway that makes digital transformation possible, and our industry is working hard towards smart, connected factories that deliver better ROI, more flexibility, better efficiency, and enhanced product quality,” said Irene J. Petrick, Ph.D., Senior Director of Industrial Innovation, Intel Corporation.
“We need the minds of those working in this space to identify roadblocks, to problem solve new solutions, and to brainstorm ways to move forward into the future,” said Petrick.
Those selected for the panel will be invited to participate in one or two missions per quarter. Panelists will receive a minimum of $150 per mission. There is no requirement for participation; panelists may decide at any time to leave the panel.
No proprietary information will be gathered from responders, just an individual’s thoughts or best practices related to different topics. The information that panelists provide will only be viewed directly by the research team.
A report on the study’s findings will be shared with all A3 and The Open Group members. The report-outs will not include any information that can be tied back to participants or their companies.
About Association for Advancing Automation (A3)
The Association for Advancing Automation (A3) is the leading global advocate for the benefits of automating. A3 promotes automation technologies and ideas that transform the way business is done. Members of A3 represent nearly 1,100 automation manufacturers, component suppliers, system integrators, end users, academic institutions, research groups and consulting firms from throughout the world that drive automation forward.
A3 hosts a number of industry-leading events, including Automate Preview Series (Ongoing), the Automate Show & Conference (June 6-9, 2022, in Detroit, MI), The Autonomous Mobile Robot & Logistics Week (October 10-13, 2022, in Boston, MA) and The Vision Show (October 11-13, 2022, in Boston, MA).