InFactory Solutions GmbH Logo

InFactory Solutions GmbH

Gold Member

Willy Messerschmitt 1
VAT Number: DE215536389
Taufkirchen, Munich 82024

AI Technology ProviderVision Technology ProviderAI and Vision | Member Since 2022
InFactory Solutions is dedicated to delivering automated, connected and intelligent solutions for more digital manufacturing. Focused on the Industry 4.0 concept, InFactory offers sensor systems, data analytics and engineering consulting services, mainly for composite production. InFactory’s solutions save time, reduce cost and improve the quality of manufacturing. InFactory’s vision is a fully automated production, where each step of the production process is fully monitored and connected to a central database that is analyzing the efficiency of the production and may optimize and adapt the production to present needs. As a 100% AIRBUS GROUP subsidiary, the company is situated at the Ludwig Bölkow Campus near Munich, Germany, in close proximity to Airbus Group divisions and other high-tech companies such as IABG, Siemens and HPE.